This book contains low-cost, high-return marketing tactics and specifics to make incredible profit in the self-storage business, whether you're a new startup or an established operation that needs fresh ideas.
Author: Marc Goodin
Format: Softcover (USPS Shipping Required)
Length: 248 Pages
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Crush Your Competition: 101 Self Storage Marketing Tips for the Fastest Way to Huge Profits
Take control of your destiny! The bottom line? You want to be successful in the self-storage business. This book will give you the ammunition you need to make incredible profit, whether you’re an entrepreneur, professional, self-storage owner or manager, or an absolute newcomer to the business. The author will show you how to use simple marketing tactics and ideas with minimal cost and maximum earnings.
This book contains the tools for new startups that have more energy than money and is ideal for established businesses that need fresh ideas. You’ll find:
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About the Author
Marc Goodin has designed dozens of site plans for self-storage facilities and many other businesses over his 25-year career as a professional civil engineer. He owns three self-storage facilities he designed and built, including one in Canada. He sold his engineering practice to concentrate full time on his storage businesses, and his proven business and marketing smarts have helped many facility operators develop successful and lucrative operations.
Marc has learned about self-storage and marketing from real-life experiences. After reading hundreds of marketing books full of general theory, he decided it was time to put his perspective from the trenches into a book for other industry owners and managers.
Special Offer From the Author
If you purchase this book, the author invites you to contact him for one free hour of phone or e-mail consultation to discuss your industry questions. He'll also send you his "Self Storage Calendar," which includes 10 marketing ideas for each month of the year. The offer is valid for up to one year from the purchase date.
Format: SBB
Weight: 0.875