Discover how to take marketing into your own hands in this comprehensive seminar. Our presenter will cover the tasks that can be confidently handled in-house and when to leverage professional services.
Whether you’re just getting started in self-storage facility management or planning your next career step, this presentation will help you leverage your skillset and plot your future in the business.
Learn specific strategies you should be employing to better operate and promote your self-storage facility and how they’ll benefit you and your customers.
Our presenter will focus on two of the most important aspects of remote managed properties: sales and service. He’ll delve into ways to improve phone transactions, leads, the customer experience, and more.
If you’re a self-storage manager, your goal is to make money. Learn things you can do to ensure a more profitable business, which will please your owner and put more money in everyone’s pocket.
Learn how a strong personal brand helps establish credibility and attract self-storage buyers, sellers, banks and brokers. It can even open the door to collaborations and partnerships.
In today’s economic environment, expanding a self-storage portfolio often depends on how creative you can be. In this session, we’ll explore unconventional ways to scale in an otherwise traditional business.
Our presenter will equip you with skills to navigate self-storage lending by explaining pre-qualification, how to analyze various loan programs and how to master the application process to get capital.
Whether you’re looking to finance, refinance or develop self-storage, this session provides insight to who’s lending, interest rates and terms to expect, and how to navigate today’s economic environment.
Delve into key aspects of a self-storage feasibility study, including advanced metrics you might not normally think to analyze, and how to proceed when a development fails to “pencil out.”