Gain a comprehensive understanding of the significant changes in the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) and their profound impact on self-storage design and construction.
Change orders can happen, even on meticulously planned self-storage projects. Our presenter explains how to keep all parties accountable, with a goal of protecting your bottom line and asset value.
There’s a growing trend to use sustainability in building self-storage. In this session, we’ll dive into decisions to consider during the planning phase and general practices to maintain it during operation.
Our presenter will offer a checklist that should be evaluated for potential self-storage facility renovations, including building facades, HVAC, leasing office, lighting, security and more.
Every self-storage project requires a construction contract that protects all parties. Learn about the vital parts of an agreement and how to use mutually beneficial language for everyone involved.
Learn ways to ensure a successful self-storage project design through effective budgeting and scheduling while focusing on what matters most—attracting and retaining tenants.
In this session, our presenter will offer insight from their company’s personal wins and losses to help you steer clear of potential self-storage pitfalls.
Though resilient, self-storage is vulnerable to climate change. This session will explore how it’s is likely to fare in the years ahead as well as what you can do to protect your property and people.
In this session, our presenters share tenant-behavior trends and consumer preferences gathered from five years of records and show you how the power of data analytics can elevate your operation.
The drivers that impact self-storage businesses can also have legal ramifications. In this session, an industry attorney will discuss what’s on the horizon for operators from a liability standpoint.