Labor laws concerning wages are changing rapidly. Learn about exposures you could face, how to comply with wage requirements and how to minimize liability in the event of a lawsuit.
Owners can maximize their profit through sound best practices. Learn how to cultivate well-trained managers, control operating expenses, optimize your online exposure and raise your rental rates.
Insuring a business can be complicated, but smart operators can take an active role to reduce their risk. Get underwriting secrets to help control insurance expenses and improve your risk-management profile.
Six of the industry’s top consultants point out the landmines that can trip up owners entering the business. Whether you’re building or buying an existing facility, you need this information.
Creating a company “culture” goes beyond your policies-and-procedures manual. Learn why employees are the building blocks to company success, what motivates staff and the value of group achievements.
Effectively hiring quality employees can be an expensive and time-consuming process. These grassroots methods and strategies are designed to attract engaged, competent and productive job candidates.
Successful owners recognize there are many opportunities to create more value in their properties. Explore different ways to calculate facility value and learn how to increase your net operating income.
The most genuine way to build your self-storage facility's reputation is through community involvement. Learn about “doing good and giving back,” and how to encourage employee participation.
Learn the steps to create an effective website for your storage business, one that will increase rentals and positive user interactions. See how simple it is to have a site that looks good and performs well!
Search engine optimization, paid search and social media are the new platforms for self-storage marketing success. Follow these strategies to increase your online presence and drive more traffic.