Learn how to use analytics to identify opportunities for converting more website visitors to self-storage renters. This session also covers which metrics are important and the tools you need to improve them.
This session focuses on the expenses that have a direct bearing on a self-storage facility’s net operating income. It provides tactics for keeping costs in check and negoatiating with service contractors.
This session examines factors that go into self-storage site selection including characteristics of a workable property and factors that may prevent a location from being a good fit for storage development.
Get insight to why legal planning and implementation is imperative when acquiring self-storage property and how to properly structure acquisitions. Also learn smart exit strategies for when it’s time to sell.
Get insight for setting street and online rental rates as well as tips for knowing when to adjust rates and by how much. Also hear strategies for successfully executing increases with new and existing tenants.
This session examines factors related to self-storage climate control, including business benefits to income and property value. It also addresses costs and the proper installation and use of equipment.
This session will help self-storage owners capitalize on their investment horizon while protecting facility value. Get insight to who’s buying, which markets are desirable and how much buyers are paying.
Review current self-storage real estate cycles, including factors that will shift the market into a new phase and how these correspond with facility value. Also learn ways to maximize return on investment.
Learn tools, tips and tricks that have been proven highly effective in improving self-storage ancillary sales. You’ll get strategies for selling more product and adding to the bottom line with add-on profit centers.
Learn about the role “micro moments” play between brands and consumers, the types of moments that occur, and how to deliver an experience that will convert prospects into self-storage tenants.