Effectively hiring quality employees can be an expensive and time-consuming process. These grassroots methods and strategies are designed to attract engaged, competent and productive job candidates.
To successfully raise capital for a project, it's crucial to understand different investor profiles and deal structures. Learn about the investment landscape so you’ll succeed at fundraising.
Learn how to “10-X” your self-storage acquisitions and development projects by tapping into private capital. Find out how to present an attractive investment offering to the private community.
Auditing your storage operation can help you identify weak spots and increase revenue. Beyond identifying theft, owners can use audits to train staff, improve processes and ensure all laws are being followed.
Online auctions continue to grow in popularity as a way of settling outstanding tenant debt. Get insight on how to choose an auction date, what to include in your listing, how to attract bidders and more.
Data tells a self-storage operator which of his marketing efforts are working and can guide his strategies. Learn how to collect relevant info, adjust marketing and validate efforts through experimentation.
Owners can maximize their profit through sound best practices. Learn how to cultivate well-trained managers, control operating expenses, optimize your online exposure and raise your rental rates.
Six of the industry’s top consultants point out the landmines that can trip up owners entering the business. Whether you’re building or buying an existing facility, you need this information.
Launching or rebranding a self-storage facility is an investment of time and money. Learn how to use digital marketing to hit the ground running with enough leads to see a fast return on investment.
Operators always face a slew of legal landmines. Learn about typical tenant claims, common mistakes and oversights that can lead to potential liability, and strategies to minimize the risk of being sued.